Cabinda Gulf Oil Company LTD. – Sanha Lean Gas Connection Project – Angola

The Sanha Lean Gas Connection (SLGC) Project diverts lean gas from the Sanha Condensate Complex (SCC), from reinjection into the Sanha reservoir, to the Congo River Crossing (CRX) pipeline, delivering gas to Angola Liquefied Natural Gas (ALNG) plant. The project is comprised of a new Lean Gas Platform (LGP) that provides pressure letdown, flow metering, gas chromatography and moisture analysis, cold flare over-pressure protection, and bridge connection to the existing Sanha Processing and Compression Platform (PCP) to integrate key processes, utilities, and auxiliary systems. Incoming gas from CRX Segment A is blended with Sanha lean gas on LGP for export via CRX Segment B to ALNG.
CTI was subcontracted to perform Front End Engineering Design (FEED) work for the pipeline and riser.
CTI’s responsibilities for providing engineering support included:
- Pipeline Engineering:
- Wall thickness Design Report
- OBS Analysis Report
- PSI Report
- Pipeline Span Analysis Report
- Pipeline Thermo-Mechanical Analysis Report
- CP Design Report
- Dropped Object Protection Analysis Report
- Riser Engineering Design Report
- Riser Tie-In Spool General Arrangement and Fabrication Drawings
- Flow Assurance