SPOT Terminal Services, LLC (an Enterprise Products Operating, LLC subsidiary) Sea

Port Oil Terminal Project – Gulf of Mexico

The Sea Port Oil Terminal (SPOT) is an offshore Deepwater Port (DWP) designed to export U.S. crude oil to various crude carriers, up to the Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) in size, at a rate of 85,000 bbls/hr (2,000,000 bbls/day). The SPOT system is planned to begin at an oil storage facility located in Brazoria County, Texas with two (2) NPS 36 oil export pipelines which extend to a new offshore fixed platform located in Galveston Area Block 463. Oil received at the platform is metered and can be delivered to one or two crude carriers simultaneously at one of the two (2) Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) loading points located in Galveston Area Block 463. Both SBMs are connected to the platform via dedicated dual NPS 30 oil loading pipelines and dual NPS 16 vapor recovery pipelines.

CTI’s Project Management, Engineering, and Drafting personnel worked with the SPOT owners during the planning, design, and permitting phases of the project, performing the following functions:

  • Managing, engineering, and drafting the offshore pipeline segments necessary to support the submission of the Deepwater Port (DWP) license application
  • Preliminary design and drafting and loading of the export, loading, and vapor recovery pipelines
  • Construction Management for the preparation, submission, and evaluation of bid packages for the supply and installation of the SPM buoy, PLEMs, export, infield, and vapor recovery pipelines, and
  • Management of steady state & transient flow assurance analysis of the export, loading, and vapor recovery pipelines during loading and emergency shutdown scenarios